Wednesday, July 23, 2008

11 Months

Greyson turned 11 months old yesterday! He is a very, very busy boy! There is never a dull moment around here!!! He is walking more and more each day. Still prefers crawling to walking, but is definitely getting the hang of things. He loves to mimic us. When we say dance, he dances (moves his head from side to side). When we tap on his high chair tray he taps, and so on and so on... He also loves climbing in and out of things. Yesterday, when I picked him up from school, Hema informed me that he undid the sides of his pack and play (they are a little different from the typical ones, so probably a little easier to undo) and climbed out!!! He is talking quite a bit, and he often says "kitty, hi, mama, dada, done or down?". He is a joy to be around! It is so fun to watch his personality develop. We are looking forward to celebrating the big ONE next month!

1 comment:

The Martens said...

SUCH a CUTIE PIE!! Kurt said Greyson just seemed like the happiest baby in the world when he came back from Dallas. Love the idea to write how old he is on the piece of paper and make him hold it- may have to borrow that one!