Maggie turned one month old a week and a half ago and I am just now updating this. She is doing great!!! Overall she sleeps very well (5-7 hours a night on average) and seems to be a pretty happy baby. She does have her occasional meltdown, but overall she seems to have a very good temperament much like her brother.
We took her to the pedi on Monday cause she has a rash on her face, chest, and back. The doctor said she just has sensitive skin and told us it was contact dermatitis. Basically she came into contact with something that upset her skin. She weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz and is in about the 30th percentile for her age.
She is a strong little thing. She has already rolled from stomach to back a few times and scoots all the time. She will literally be on a mat on her stomach and will travel 3-4 feet. Very funny!!!!
She is also starting to smile. I still think it might be gassy smiles, but Mike thinks she is really smiling now. I even caught one of them on film.
She is ridiculously cute, Kate! We can't wait to meet her :)
She is so cute! She looks like Greyson but she really looks like you too!
she is precious~! but what about the blog title?? :) all shades of grey and maggie? I love that she and Greyson resemble each other but he is very boy and she is very girl.. too cute!
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