Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A baby on the way!!!!!!!!!

Just in case some of you don't already know, we are having another baby!!!!!!! Greyson is going to be a big brother, and we are so excited! I am 15 weeks along and the new addition is due on May 19th. I am very glad to be out of the first trimester as it was a very rough 12 weeks for me! I was sick all the time and most days I was sick 2 or more, needless to say I am so excited to be in my 2nd trimester. I had morning sickness with Greyson, which I thought was pretty bad, but that paled in comparison to this one. The baby is doing well and is right on track. Oh, and we are going to be surprised this time around and not find out the sex. I am excited about waiting, but it won't be easy for me since I'm not exactly the most patient person!

1 comment:

Christa said...

super excited for y'all!