Thursday, November 12, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had so much fun this Halloween! Greyson was so much more into it than the year before and loved trick-or-treating. However, being the 2 year old that he is, the costume selection process was not so fun! Originally, he was going to be a giraffe, Maggie a lion, and Mike and I safari people. Well, let's just say we ran into a snag a few days before Halloween when Greyson didn't want to wear his giraffe costume. Oh boy!!! I took Greyson to several stores in hopes that he would find something he really loved. He wavered between Thomas the train, Spiderman, a race car driver, a pumpkin, and batman. I got lucky and found a batman costume and he finally decided he would wear it. He ended up loving it, and has even worn it since Halloween! Lesson learned: next year, he will be picking out his own costume from the get go!

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