Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2 weeks

Maggie turned two weeks old last Friday and has been such a great baby. She is still sleeping a ton and seems to be eating well. She was above her birth weight at her appointment (she was 7.14 at birth and 8 lbs. last Friday), so the doctor said it was time to let her sleep as long as she was able in the evenings. The first and second nights were awesome! She slept 6 hrs. and could have probably gone longer had I not woken her up. But, she hasn't done that again in the last couple of days...however, she is still sleeping really well and only waking once in the middle of the night to feed. Ha! I'm sure it won't always be like this, so I am taking advantage of it for now!!!

She is also becoming much more alert and aware of her surroundings, which is fun to watch.

Here are some new pics of our sweet baby girl:

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