Sunday, January 25, 2009

Random January 2009 Pics

Greyson and Mommy at one of his swim lessons

Grey at a birthday party

Grey enjoying his new rocking horse

Mike's sister and husband (Aunt Sheryl and Uncle Toby) are also expecting their second child, which we are so excited about! Sheryl is about 6 weeks ahead of me and they are having a little girl, which is very much needed on the Martin side of the family (seeing that we have 4 boys already)!!! Here we are the two preggos:

Christmas in Whiteface, Texas

On Christmas afternoon Grey, Mike, Grandma, Grandma, and I all travelled to Whiteface to see Great Grandmother Ashmore. It was a long ride, but a fun ride too. Unfortunately one of the only restaurants open on Christmas was Denny's, so that's where we enjoyed a splendid Christmas dinner of french toast! Ha! It was all worth it though! Cousins Cruz, Ezra, and Uncle Jeff and Aunt Renae also came, which made it even more fun for Greyson since he has some play buddies.

Great Grandmother Ashmore and Greyson. Yes, this is the best we could do (-:

Cruz and Grey playing on the trailer outside of Great Grandmother's house

And Santa Arrives...

Wow! Greyson must have been a good boy in 2008, cause Santa was very good to him! He had a wonderful Christmas and really got into opening his gifts this year. A few of his favorites were his tool bench, rocking horse, car transporter, and tricycle.

After opening his gifts, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Toby, Aunt Sheryl, and Brody came over for a Christmas brunch. After brunch we took to the road for a 9 hour journey to Whiteface, Texas to visit with Great Grandmother Ashmore. We had so much fun despite the long trip!

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve, Grandmother came in town from San Antonio. She helped prepare for our Christmas brunch and we went to church, which was a wonderful service!!!! After church we feasted on tamales and queso, a tradition started by Grandma and Grandpa Martin. Here are a couple pics from the evening:

A family pic --Grandmother had already changed after church -- She would want you to know that (-:

Daddy, Mommy, and Grey

More Christmas time pics

Greyson's school Christmas party

Santa visited school and once again Grey didn't care for him

Christmas Time

Greyson loved the Christmas season this year! It was so fun and exciting watching Christmas unfold before his eyes. He loved the decorations and even learned to say new Christmas words such as "Ho, Ho, Ho" and Santa. Here are a few pics:

All dolled up for Santa Claus pics. I wasn't a big fan of Santa this year. Better luck next year!

Grandmother got me my very own Christmas tree! Circus themed to match my room! Mommy can I help please?

The finished product. I even learned the word "tree" as a result!

Random November 2008 Pics

Tandem swinging with Brody

Love pulling the wagon

Beep, Beep. I'm going to the kitchen

Turkey Day 2008

This Thanksgiving we headed down to San Antonio to visit Grandmother, Grandpa and Grandma, and all of the cousins, aunts and uncles. We had a blast! We even had an early Christmas exchange with the Martin side of the family. Thanks for all of my cool gifts fam!

That same weekend Grey got to go on his very first trip to the San Antonio zoo! He went with cousins Cruz and Brody (baby Ezra stayed behind) and had a blast! He liked the animals, but most of all he liked all of the people watching!

Waiting on the Hippos to arrive

Scoping out the elephants with Daddy and Aunt Renae

Unfortunately Grey came down with a fever and bad cough while we were in San Antonio and had to go to a MedClinic. Dr. said it was just a virus and prescribed him a steroid for the cough. He quickly recovered only to get sick again a couple of weeks later. Poor baby!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Updates to Come

Well, I realize it has been quite a while since I updated. Everything is going well here, just busy as usual. I am working on some posts and will have them up in the next couple of days. There's lots to update, so stay tuned for some new posts!!!!!